When you are writing keep asking yourself “so what” until you are sure what is in it for the customer.


Content Marketing Quote - When you are writing keep asking yourself so what until you are sure what is in it for the customer

Do you ever ask yourself this question? Do you know the ‘why’… why you are writing? Are you sure what is in it for the customer? Who is your intended audience and will they benefit from it?

Often we forget the real audience of our content, the customer, or the prospective customer. If they don’t find your content valuable, then half the purpose is defeated.

Whenever you are writing, whatever it may be about, ask yourself “so what?” until you can figure out what is in it for the customer. If you can’t, then you are probably on the wrong track!

If you are delivering what your customers want, thats great! If not, follow us at 👉 @amazing_marketer for tips on how to optimize your content for your customers.