Your Goal Should Be To Own Quality Time In Your Customer’s Inbox


Email Marketing Quotes - Your goal should be to own quality time in your customers inbox - Andrew Davis

Putting out Quality Content is great! But you want it to reach your audience as well.πŸ€”

What better than Email Marketing that has an ROI of 3800%. 😲 It is a great way to reach out to your customers and stay in touch with them.βœ”οΈ

Email lets you share the content directly with your leads and prospective customers and spread knowledge surrounding your products or services.

But these emailers need to be well-drafted and informative for the readers to take it seriously. As long as the reader finds it valuable, half your work of convincing them is done!πŸ˜‡

Emailers can take any form – Monthly newsletter, New Blog Content, Podcast or Seminar Announcements… anything!πŸ€” It is up to your creativity how best you can provide value to the reader and engage them.πŸ€“

“Your Goal Should Be To Own Quality Time In Your Customer’s Inbox.”

You don’t want your customers or target audience to look at the email and ignore it, or even worse, unsubscribe! 😟

Email Marketing, if done right, can give you great results with very high conversions.🀩

So take your time creating an effective Email Marketing Strategy.πŸ‘