Best way to sell something – don’t sell anything. Earn the awareness, respect, & trust of those who might buy.


ecommerce quote - Best way to sell something dont sell anything, Earn the awareness, respect, and trust of those who might buy

Rand Fishkin is the Co-Founder and Ex-CEO of MOZ and probably one of the best and most transparent marketers. And this statement from Rand Fishkin sums up an effective marketing campaign as it should be in the simplest way.

  1. Make sure the customers are aware of your brand/product.
  2. Create respect for your brand among your targeted audience.
  3. Ensure that your brand comes across as trustworthy.

That’s all you need to sell your product. Once you have earned the respect and trust of potential buyers, you won’t have to go out and scream to the world to buy your products. The customers will come on their own. And the conversion would definitely be higher.

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